Saturday 11 September 2021

How to Improve Your Sleep, and Overall Quality of Life

There are other ways to address more temporary issues for sleep deprivation, and for issues of chronic sleep disorders. There is a variety of prescription medication, over the counter medication, and health supplements that have been found to make it easier to fall asleep and help you stay asleep during the evening.

Stronger prescription medication includes things like Ambien, though they can be addictive and come with riskier side effects. They should only be used in cases of extreme sleep disorders as a last resort. Over the counter medication includes products like ZzzQuil, Advil PM, or Tylenol PM. These take specific ingredients used in their other medication that helps treat issues like pain, the flu, and colds to help you sleep.

For supplements, there are two more common natural supplements that have been found to actually help you sleep. One is melatonin, which helps your body regulate the signals that make you feel sleepy when it’s your usual bedtime. Another is cannabidiol (CBD), a natural oil extracted from hemp that also regulates those same types of signals. According to the ultimate CBD guide, it also helps cut down on interrupting factors like pain and stress. Know more

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