Thursday, 10 June 2021

Introducing Dry Float and Compression

 When we’re constantly in an upright position, whether sitting or standing, gravity applies a lot of force on our body and our brain has to do what it takes to keep our skeletal and muscular system engaged to maintain balance.
The Zerobody Dry Float System puts your body into a “suspended float” state that disengages the muscles from having to maintain the need for balance and fight the strong effects of gravity. This gets you into a heightened sense of relaxation which allows your brain to elevate through multiple stages of rest in the hopes of obtaining a “deep rest” level otherwise known as the Theta State.
Putting the brain in this state allows the brain to do what it does best – heal. Without the distraction of gravity along with canceling out all other sensory distractions, restores the brain and the body into a restful state which stimulates the Parasympathetic System releasing valuable neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine (ACh). Acetylcholine aids in contracting smooth muscles, dilates blood vessels, increases bodily secretions, and slows your heart rate.
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