Monday, 15 March 2021

You Can Now Make Human Ashes Into Diamonds!

We all have a special place in our hearts for our pets. They are adorable creatures who cannot be forgotten even after they pass away. There are various ways by which you can remember the favourite human or pet who are gone. It could be in your memory or pictures, but what about a diamond made out of its ashes? You can now order a diamond out of ashes and bring back the dead to life. The point is that you would be able to feel them closer to you more than ever with these sparkling pieces.
Human Or a Pet
It could be a human diamond or a diamond from your pet. Creating diamonds out of ashes could be a great way to keep a memory of someone and feel their presence. The process is easy, and you could try it out soon. You need to check out the company's ordering link and check out the instructions about how to send the ashes to the laboratory. The rest would be taken care of by scientists. The ashes sent to them would be going through a carbon purification process where the element will be extracted and isolated. You must know that during cremation, the maximum carbon content is destroyed. However, scientists can trace the maximum carbon from the ashes sent to them, and the purification process is carried out.
The Next Step
After the purification process, scientists create an environment in the lab that supports diamond growth, which ultimately turns human ashes into diamonds. The extracted carbon is mixed with diamond seeds to get it into its final form. No worries about the quality, as the whole process would be recorded and sent to you for full verification and no misuse. That's not the end. After this process, the diamond is checked for imperfections and then designed in the way you want. The memorial diamonds are then sent to gemologists who verify their Genuity based on colour, clarity, or any other required aspect.
Custom Settings
The good news is that you can customize the way you want. It could be a necklace or a ring. The customization and the setting can be ordered too, and it all comes for less. Even if you do not plan for your diamond settings, the experts would suggest the best fitting and design for you.
Above all, such companies tried their best to give the feeling of their presence with you no matter where you are or where you go. You could even turn pet ashes to diamonds in the same way. These are easy to order, and you will receive an authentic product. It is a great way to remember your loved ones always.
Click here to know more about #human ashes into diamonds.

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