Friday, 17 April 2020

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum Helps Students To Achieve Success

Social-emotional learning is a way that teaches a person to be in control of their emotions, set positive goals in life, show respect towards others and learn to establish and maintain positive relationships in life. Social Emotional Learning Curriculum provides children in school and adults at work a way where they can cope with feelings, make decisions and get along positively with co-workers and friends. And these skills can be taught from a young age at preschool and through adulthood.
Master these skills
Social-emotional learning targets five key areas in their curriculum:
•    Self-awareness- SEL teaches you to be self-aware like identifying your emotions and taking control of them, knowing one’s strengths and develop the areas that you are good at, and developing a growth mindset.
•    Self-management- managing your emotions and not acting impulsively and setting positive goals so that you can work towards these goals with vigor.
•    Social awareness- SEL shows you how to see things from other peoples perspective, show empathy towards others and respect diversities.
•    Responsible decision making- SEL teaches you to make responsible decisions and to think about the consequences of personal behavior.
•    Relationship skills- it teaches you ways to communicate with others in a positive manner, how to co-operate with your co-workers and friends, and rational ways to resolve conflicts. These five factors are dealt with in the Social Emotional Learning Curriculum.
Short and long term benefits
Schools are one of the places where children learn most of their social and emotional skills. An SEL program in school can make the student come out with flying colors not only academically but also will teach the child the ways to progress in society successfully in the future.
A student is successful when they know and can manage themselves; learn to think from others perspective and act accordingly, make decisions that can have a positive impact both socially and personally. Once they learn these skills they can go out into the society with a;
•    positive attitude increased self-efficiency and confidence, 
•    maintain a good relationship with peers and adults
•    conducting yourself in a way that has a good impact on others
•    decreased emotional stress
•    Teachers are trained in schools to give the best social-emotional learning to students; several SEL programs enhance the student’s development through preschool to high school. Teachers are encouraged to give emotional support and provide opportunities to students in various activities in school and the classroom. Social Emotional Learning Curriculum can be included in the schools so that children learn to have a positive approach towards life and are not afraid to deal with the difficulties in their future endeavors.
Click here to know more about #Social Emotional Learning Curriculum.

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