Tuesday, 10 December 2019

How Solothurn Meditation Courses (Meditationskurse Solothurn) Explain Human Being

To fully grasp what is being taught at the meditation Solothurn, you will need to understand how human body system is viewed and taken by the Vedic science.
Vedic science is the art of understanding the Vedic texts. Vedic texts originated from the very old India where the practice of meditation or the devotional exercise originated from. Vedic science sees human being to consist of three different layers which are the
1.    Physical body system
2.    Inner faculty which can also be called the inner self.
3.    Deep inner faculty or self.
The physical body system of a human being is what is seen by everybody and do not have much significance in the practice of meditation. Most meditation learning in Solothurn (meditation lernen in Solothurn)is based mostly on both the inner faculty and the deep inner self. The inner self is taken as the working consciousness of human being which always alter at every point in time.
Inner faculty consist of the;
    Mind, which is responsible for the processing of human being sensory perceptions. The mind is always in pairs or in state of duality that are opposing each other. That is why we can have good and bad mind, state of pain and pleasure, being cold and hot.
    Intellect, which according to what is being taught when undertaking the Solothurn meditation courses (meditationskurse solothurn), will analyze a situation, decide, discriminate and judge certain circumstance.
    Ego which pertain to what a person experiences or does.
    Chitta, which can be called the memory repository or storehouse. This is the area of inner faculty that express how a person sees this live generally
The deep inner self is more or less like the inner faculty. The only difference it does not alter at all. Deep inner self can be termed as static or pure consciousness that never alter. It is unique in quality and always witness all the activities that are done by the inner faculty. Based on what is being taught in the Solothurn meditation courses (meditationskurse solothurn), the deep inner faculty is where knowledge, creativity, intelligence as well as natural laws that govern the human existence all come from.
The study of Vedic science has made it to be known that it is the deep inner self that actually put the working consciousness or the inner faculty to work. The inner faculty will in turn activate the physical body of which everyone will see and witness the action being taken.
The meditation learning in Solothurn (meditation lernen in Solothurn) has made it to be known that it is through devotional exercise that a feedback loop is provided to the deep inner self. Deep inner self is more or less like the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) when talking about human being at the cellular level. The DNA controls all activities that are performed by the body system. Click here to know more about #meditationskurse solothurn.

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