Sunday 26 April 2020

The nature of Covid-19!

Coronavirus is the family of the virus which is common to both humans and animals. Till now seven strain of human coronaviruses has been discovered. SARS- CoV-2 which was a disease that spread in 2002-2003 was also caused by a type of coronavirus strain. The common cold is also caused by a similar type of virus.  Now in December 2019, a completely new strain of this virus was discovered in China about which experts know absolutely nothing. This virus was named as “2019-nCoV”, ‘n’ is an abbreviation for the novel. Novel means new, which suggested that it was completely new, and unfortunately still is. Now the disease is known as COVID-19, as the first case was reported in 2019.
How to prevent COVID-19 from spreading?
The rate of spread of this contagious pandemic can be retarded by taking appropriate measures. As there is still no vaccine found for this disease, prevention is our only weapon by which we can defeat this problem. All we need is to came together to fight against this outbreak and this can only be done if we take all the necessary measures every day. Hence we can prevent coronavirus from spreading by the following measures –
All the rules as stated by the experts to prevent its spread of this disease must be taken seriously and should be followed by every individual. Not only the infected but the non-infected should also follow these simple rules so that they might not get infected. These include –
1.      Wash your hands frequently with good sanitizer to get rid of all the germs and viruses
2.      Apart from sanitizing hands, sanitize your homes, living rooms, house equipment, etc., at least twice a day.
3.      Do not touch your face and nose frequently as the risk of getting infected increases.
4.      Always cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing.
5.      Use proper medically safe special masks to cover your mouth and not just a cloth mask.
You might have noticed there is nothing new in the rules defined by the experts, these all are very basic rules which are already been known but less followed. All we need to do is make them more seriously than before and follow them
Prevention can only be effective if there is awareness, without awareness prevention is not possible. As told earlier, if more and more people know about the symptoms and rules of prevention of h1n1, less are the chances of its spread hence it’s our responsibility to tell as much as we can about this disease to our friends, family, and acquaintances. But before we tell others, we need to have the right knowledge as if we are passing the wrong idea or knowledge it can be more dangerous. Click here to know more about #covid-19.

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