- Many women or families are economically poor and trade their sanitation for an extra meal. Their income can't afford the monthly expense of different products, which refrains them from buying and using one.
- Non-availability of the hygienic supplies leads to adjustment with cheap and dangerous alternatives that are consequentially dangerous. Many post-menstrual period health issues arise, and women drop off from work. Students also discontinue their academics which disturbs their life and choices.
Dispensers aim for free provision at all workplaces to every female worker alike.
Why Should Every Workplace Install One?
Easy to fit in the corporate or public washrooms, they are refillable banks providing sanitary products.
- Generally, they have different slots for tampons with and without applicators and sanitary pads. The collection bank is like a box made of natural wood with a lever lock and is possible to refill. The maintenance crew can periodically check and refill the contents exhausted.
- The multi holder has the advantage to provide variety to suit every user. Comfort is the most sought to tackle the mood swings and cramps where the suitable products boost the morale.
- Most of the distributeur protections périodiques focus on producing natural products made of pure and organic cotton to support cleanliness without irritation or skin rashes. Moreover, compared to the plastic and synthetically manufactured materials, the disposed of are not harmful to the environment.
The companies and offices don't have to pay special attention to the maintenance as the sturdy box is resistant to reactions and holds strong for long. Moreover, they don't need to keep track of running out of supply as the suppliers fulfil the job. Installing dispensers is a priceless way of helping countless women be confident at every moment of their lives.
Click here know more about #distributeur de protections hygiéniques (hygienic protection dispenser)
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