Wednesday, 2 September 2020

The top health benefits of having an emotional support animal

 If any of your relatives or friends are suffering from any mental issue, with thepatient,  doctors are receiving a lot of positive effects from the emotional support of animal therapy.

These patients are getting benefited in these below-mentioned ways.

Ø  They are being more social

Ø  Their self-esteems are getting a hit of boost

Ø  This way the patients are feeling more secure and convenient

Ø  They are generating more motivations

Ø  With any diagnosed illness, the symptoms are being lessened.

Ø  They are willing to live a longer life with purpose.

Additional benefits

The emotional support animals are being used in plenty of areas including the mental health issue department. Researches show that people, who live in a nursing home, live more happily, and feel more motivated and active if there is an interaction with the animal part in included in their routine. This has helped these patients to lower down their medicine dosage.

According to some science experiments, the presence of ESA has helped patients with heart conditions by decreasing their low hear-beat symptoms. They also feel good because of the oxytocin secretion happens during the process.

Note: if you need a ‘letter for emotional support animal’, then you can talk about it with your current therapies.

Click here know more about #serviceanimalletter

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