Friday 31 July 2020

Electrum wallet (Electrum钱包) – Verify beneficiary address process

When you have an Electrum wallet (Electrum钱包), you will definitely be transacting businesses. Through these businesses, you will have people send you electrum btc and you will also need to send others some coins too. This will always be based on the business dealings you have with them. If it happens that you need to send coins, you need a beneficiary address to send it to. This is an area that has led many into trouble. So, always do it right. No matter what the beneficiary address is, make sure it is not missed.
Security measures for verification
If it happens that you want to send transactions, you will obtain a recipient address on a page or via a communication service. With these addresses, you need to know that a small malware attack can change this and replace it with the address by hackers. Some software types that are malicious are always monitoring your clipboard to ensure the address is replaced. So, make sure you do not take this for granted. Try your best to have this checked over and over again to be sure. Your Electrum Bitcoin wallet (Electrum比特币钱包) might be safe. However, if you do not consider this carefully, you will always be in trouble.

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