Monday, 9 March 2020

5 treatments for embarazo extrauterino o ectopico

Embarazo extrauterino o ectopico otherwise known as extrauterine pregnancy. This mainly happens when the fertilized egg gets implanted outside the women’s uterus. In the case of normal pregnancy, the egg gets implanted inside the uterus. Embarazo extrauterino o ectopico causes a lot of bleeding. The exact cause of this issue is unknown. According to some research, it is said that when the fallopian tube is damaged, then the egg can be implanted outside the uterus. This typically occurs in women having age between 35 to 44.
Some of the risk factor that can lead to extrauterine pregnancy
•    If someone had a history of earlier extrauterine pregnancy, then chances are there to have this kind of pregnancy again.
•    Some sexually transmitted infections can lead to inflammation in the tube or the other areas lead to having this kind of pregnancy.
•    Some fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization can increase the risk of having an extrauterine pregnancy.
•    Tubal surgery, i.e surgery of a damaged fallopian tube increases the risk of having this kind of pregnancy.
•    Smoking also leads to having this kind of problem.
In this type of pregnancy, there may be severe abdominal pain, may have vaginal bleeding, one may feel light-headedness. If someone is having these symptoms, then they should immediately see the doctor. This type of pregnancy often leads to a rupture of the fallopian tube. With some precautions like limiting the habit of many sexual partners, by avoiding smoking before getting pregnant, the use of various birth control methods to limit the sexually transmitted disease can reduce the chances of extrauterine pregnancy.
Sum Up
This type of pregnancy usually seen in the first 5 to 7 weeks. So, with appropriate and timely treatment the mortality rate can be significantly decreased. But still, this type of pregnancy is the cause of women’s death in the first trimester due to heavy loss of blood. As, the fertilized egg can not grow normally outside the uterus, so the doctors may use the medicine or do the surgery so that the patients won’t have any serious health issues. With the application of medication, it won’t allow the cells to grow further and eventually, the body itself will absorb them. In the case of surgery, the doctor will remove the pregnancy manually. After the surgery or medication, one needs to wait for another 3 months to try again. Because the body needs some time for healing both emotionally and physically before trying for another pregnancy. A lot of care and share are needed too. Also, one should change or bring some changes in lifestyle too. 
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