Wednesday 28 August 2019

What to Avoid when Selecting Your Bowling Ball

Selecting and buying the right bowling ball isn’t just about considering the said factors. There are also things you want to avoid to make sure you’ll make a worthwhile investment. They are as follows:

Inapplicable Holes
When we mean inapplicable holes, we mean the balls that have holes which are either too snug or too loose for your hand. Even if you got the ball with the ideal weight, ideal coverstock, and ideal core, you must take note of the holes. If your hands don’t feel comfortable with the distance of the holes, then don’t buy it. As mentioned earlier, you’re better off going for undrilled models since you can customize the size of the holes.

Uncomfortable Palm to Ball Distance
When buying a bowling ball, you should avoid buying the ones that require you to fully stretch your hand. The ideal ball must enable you to still have a bit of room in between your palm and the ball. This will allow you to be more comfortable with the ball when you try to make a shot.

Same Balls All the Time
As you get better, it would be ideal to try out different balls from time to time. After your first basic ball wears out, don’t buy the ball with the exact same built. Try to buy a bowling ball with new features so you can try out new techniques.

Cheap Brands
Finally, you have to avoid those cheap brands in the market. While this may be a given, there’s still a lot of people who prefer cheaper options to save money. The problem with this is that your game may be affected due to the quality of the ball. If you are a beginner, you won’t be able to judge how well you play if your equipment is bad.

To help you pick a bowling ball, we’ve reviewed several bowling balls on the market and came up with this list. Take note that you can have different bowling balls for different situations depending on your playstyle. Click here to know more about

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