Friday 22 January 2021

Tips to find Best Acne Treatment

 When most people think of getting rid of acne, their first thought is usually in the form of a topical medication. These are typically used to clear up mild to moderate cases of acne and to help prevent more severe forms of breakouts from appearing. There are several medications on the market that can be taken in pill form.

While these may be effective for some, they often have very harsh side effects and can only provide a temporary solution to your problems. If your acne is more severe or has been getting worse, you will need to consult your doctor to find an effective acne treatment regimen.

One acne treatment regimen, you may need to use is one that your doctor will prescribe. Your doctor will be able to prescribe something for your skin type as well as determine if you have acne or just a very oily complexion.

Your doctor will also be able to determine if your breakouts are caused by bacteria or not and to determine how severe your condition is. This will help the doctor determine what medications to prescribe and in what dosage to prescribe. You will be required to report any new symptoms to your doctor so that he/she may be able to pinpoint which type of acne you have.

There are also several other forms of treatments that your doctor may consider. For mild acne, there are a variety of facial masks that can be purchased at most stores or beauty supply retailers. The masks will generally contain either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

These ingredients dry out the oil on your face and allow your face to begin to heal. As your face begins to heal, any excess oil will be drained and your complexion should be much clearer and less oily. For more severe acne, your doctor may prescribe either prescription medications or antibiotics to help clear up the infection.
Click here to know more about #acne treatment.

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